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Eastmallbuy Intellectual Property Policy


Eastmallbuy respects intellectual property rights and is committed to protecting the rights of brand owners. lf you believe that any product on Eastmallbuy infringes your intellectual property rights, you can file a complaint with us through the following process

1. Collect Evidence

Before submitting a complaint, please make sure to collect the following evidence:

.Links to the products that infringe your intellectual property rights

.Proof of your intellectual property, such as trademark registration certificates or copyright certificate!

.Your name, address, and contact information

2. Submit a Complaint

You can submit a complaint through the following means:

.Send an email to service@eastmallbuy.com

3. Complaint Handling

Upon receiving your complaint, we will immediately initiate an investigation. lf we determine that the product indeed infringes you intellectual property rights, we will take the following actions:

.Remove the product from our website

.Notify the product seller and request them to cease selling the product

Forward your complaint to relevant law enforcement authorities

4. Timeline for Handling

We will make every effort to initiate the investigation within 24 hours of receiving your complaint. We will notify you of the investigation results within 48 hours.

5. Contact information

lf you have any questions regarding our intellectual property policy, please contact us through the following means. Send an email service@Eastmallbuy.com

Frequently Asked Questions.

What should l do if i have questions about Eastmallbuy's intellectual property policy?

You can contact us through the following mean!.

Send an email to service@Eastmallbuy.com.

What should l do if l believes a product on Eastmallbuy infringes my intellectual property rights?

You can submit a complaint through the following mean:Send an email to sercive@Eastmallbuy.com.

How will Eastmallbuy handle my complaint?

Upon receiving your complaint, we will immediately initiate an investigation. lf we determine that the product indeed infringes your intellectual property rights, we will take the following actions: Remove the product from our website. Notify the product seller and request them to cease selling the products. Forward your complaint to relevant law enforcement authorities.

How long does it take for Eastmallbuy to process a complaint?

We will make every effort to initiate the investigation within 3 business days of receiving your complaint. We will notify you of the investigation results within 7 business days

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